Hummingbird Breakfast Bake

Inspired by Hummingbird Cake, this simple, no-added sugar, grain-free breakfast bake will get your tastebuds humming.


2-3 cups fresh diced pineapple

2-3 cups diced sweet potato

2tbsp coconut oil

2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 -1 cup chopped raw walnuts or pecans

2 ripe bananas, diced


Lemon zest

Additional salt

Topping ideas

Hemp seeds

Coconut chips



  1. Preheat an oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Peel and small (1/4 in cube) to medium dice (1/2 in cube) the sweet potato. Either in a bowl or directly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking sheet, toss the potato in coconut oil, cinnamon and salt.

  3. Peel, core and dice the pineapple. For me this was about half a fresh pineapple.

  4. Add pineapple to the same baking sheet as the sweet potato and roast for 20-25 mins or until a knife can go through the sweet potato and the pineapple is browned a bit.

  5. Add pineapple, potato, chopped walnuts, and fresh bananas to a bowl.

  6. Give it a taste - if it’s too sweet for your palate, add a sprinkle of salt and/or some lemon zest.

  7. Add toppings!

Hummingbird Bake.jpg


My all-time favorite cake is Hummingbird Cake. I love all the ingredients separately and and when you put them in a cake it just makes sense! I always thought it gave off breakfast vibes, but with all the sugar it would not set me up for a good morning. So, I created this recipe to be fresh, clean and perfect for breakfast. The traditional cake uses pecans but I didn’t have any, so I rocked it with walnuts. Both or either would be delightful. Raw is best, but if you have roasted and salted just add a bit and taste and see if it works.

You’ll notice I use ranges in the measurements - ideally you’ll want just a bit less fruit than potato. Can you use canned pineapple? I don’t know! Fresh is definitely - zestier - but give it a shot and let me know in the comments!

There is no added sugar in this recipe, but these ingredients are all very sweet. Salt and acid can help balance that but every palate is different. I like a little lemon zest on just about everything so I recommend it, but just a little bit - maybe 1/4-1/2 tsp. And the salt on the potatoes while roasting is essential. If the final product is too cloying, start with zest then go for salt.

And my favorite topic - toppings! I love hemp seeds, they boost protein and omegas and coconut chips for some crunch. I think granola would be great on top too. Maybe some goji berries - go crazy!

Stay tuned for a cashew cream recipe that can take it from day to night (dessert).