Amanda Blanton

One Wild Year

Amanda Blanton
One Wild Year

It’s been a minute fam. I took a serious break from posting here when a cool advocacy job with a basic income project dropped into my lap. I also made another human 😂 and moved across the country.

A little update: with much gratitude I can share that we are faring very well during this difficult time. Early on in the pandemic, my husband did face a layoff, but we managed until he found a new, much more awesome role. We had already planned on a home birth, so I was able to have my son at home in May 2020 with my sister, daughter and husband coaching me through 12 hard hours of labor and many “I’m gonna dies.” We said farewell to my home state of California and moved to my husband’s hometown in Pennsylvania to be in a space that worked better for our growing family. Unfortunately however, I am one of countless women who have had to say goodbye to a great job because it was just too impossible to manage with tiny humans at home. We managed for a while but with my husband in the full time role that gives us benefits and most of our income I had to quit. Other countries have safety nets. The US has women.

Now a year in for us, it looks like lot of togetherness, homeschooling and home-cooking. Before we knew anything about transmission, we weren’t getting any takeout or meals made for us which was brutal given the newborn and preschooler situation. And remember when there were no groceries to be had? There’s still evidence of early lockdown in my pantry, in the form of many pounds of Maseca. Happy to say that as a result, I have learned how to make fresh corn tortillas and I’m never going back.

But I am coming back to the blog, with a renewed focus on nourishing, affordable, kid-friendly, pantry staple and postpartum. If you’re reading, I hope this finds you as healthy and whole as we can be right now.

with love,
