Raw & Balanced Berry Superfood Smoothie

Raw & Balanced Berry Superfood Smoothie

Add the following into a blender and whiz it up. Careful not to get it warm if you’re using a high-speed blender like a Vitamix. I have done this and it’s not that great as a soup. Top with whatever you like. I used chia and edible flowers, but hemp seeds or more shredded coconut would also be cute.


Makes 1 smoothie

1/2 - 1 c nut milk of your choice

1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries

1 c frozen or fresh blueberries

1/4 c shredded unsweetened coconut

1/2 tbsp maple syrup

Pinch of salt

Superfood add-ins:

1 tsp maca

1 tbsp cold-pressed flax oil (find in the refrigerated section at a health food store)

For the top:

1 tsp chia seeds

Edible flowers (I find these at Sprouts market for a buck!)

Smoothies are not usually my jam, as I much prefer chewing things; but they do have a place in my life. Great if I’ve got some fruit I’m about to lose to the mold, or if I need something as I’m running out the door, or if I need a poo. Or, as I was on this day, feeling kind of sluggish and in need of some superfoods to boost me up. For us, smoothies are a great vehicle for supplements like maca and spirulina. Maca is my fave because it’s 1. tasteless in small quantities and 2. an adaptogenic hormone balancer (helps with stress) that is safe for me and Zoë since I’m still nursing (OMG I KNOW, DANG GIRL GET OFF THE BOOB!). Spirulina is a great one for plant-based diets because it offers bio-available (easily absorbed) iron and B12, but it turns everything very green and has a more “earthy” taste.

I’ve also been studying up on flavor balancing, on my own since PlantLab folded (see my post about that here) and normally would never sweeten or add salt to a smoothie, but I did and it rocked my socks off.
