Veggie Cobb Salad

A chef’s salad was a staple growing up. Presumably is was in the early days of my mom transitioning my dad off the midwest meat and potatoes diet, so he approved of the omnivorous version which has various animal proteins and cheese, and a scant couple of veggies atop of bed of lettuce. In my revision, I replace those animal proteins with lots more veggies that still make it “meaty,” tasty, and very filling.

Makes 2 large salads.


Greens of choice (mixed, romaine, chopped & massaged kale - I don’t personally eat much spinach)

2 green onions

2 carrots, peeled and ribboned

15 oz can of garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

1 cup of corn*

1 cup sliced red cabbage

2 sliced Persian cucumbers (can also use regular, just peel)

1 bunch of asparagus, woody ends removed and roasted**

2 Roma tomatoes

Optional veggie meat alternative of choice (I used Field Roast pepperoni), chopped

2 tbsp hemp seeds


Follow Your Heart Blue Cheese

A good salad is when your mouth doesn’t get bored.
— my husband


*If using frozen corn, prepare per package instructions. Fresh corn, boil in a salted pot of water for 5 minutes until cooked and let cool. Once cool enough to handle, use a knife to cut kernels off the sides. Canned? Open can, drain and rinse. Enjoy!

**Preheat oven to 400°. Break or cut off woody ends of the asparagus and lay flat on a silicone mat on a baking sheet. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over the top. Salt and pepper to taste. Roast for 10-15 minutes until softened and crispy. Set aside to let cool.

  1. Rinse/clean your greens if needed and let dry. This is my favorite salad spinner.

  2. Add 1.5 cups of greens to a dinner plate.

  3. Add toppings in a wagon wheel style for presentation, or if you want to doss it just throw it all in a bowl.

  4. Drizzle dressing over the top, amount to taste. I used about 1.5 tbsp.

  5. Sprinkle with hemp seeds. Enjoy!


I strongly recommend to prep the asparagus and corn ahead of time if you can, so it has time to cool. With corn, you can always drop into an ice bath to speed things along.

A chef’s salad traditionally contains a hardboiled egg - which I added and it was delicious. If you’re vegan, you can definitely check out my Eggy Tofu recipe and throw some of that on top for a protein boost. Another great topping is avocado, which I am currently avoiding because of my seasonal allergies.

Anytime I make a salad like this for dinner, I offer my kids the greens with dressing, and the toppings separately. They are much more likely to try all the toppings this way and they love “ranch salad.”